Thursday, February 11, 2010

Top 10 Reasons to do a Clark MBA

1) You don't know how to speak English and want to pawn all of the work on one of the few Americans
2) You are American and know that is you don't attend some other poor guy will be the only white man in the program
3) You fall for crappy lines from the marketing staff such as: "We are not ranked as high as schools like Harvard, but we are just as good (we just have no way to show it)"
4) You want the once in a lifetime experience of speaking to possible suicide bombers first-hand
5) You want foreigners to treat you like a second-class citizen in your own fuckin country
6) Your religion requires you have a legitimate reason to kill yourself and you know GSOM is about the best reason you can come up with
7) You want to prepare for the day in which the remaining Commies are going to officially take over the United States
8) You need an excuse to build up your drinking tolerance
9) You get to be part of developing brilliant nwe slogans such as "This is Obvious Your Juice" and "Just it do"
10) Clark is an evironmentally conscious school and has taught you that setting $60,000 on fire is a waste of trees and that it makes more sense to waste that money on a single worthless sheet of paper
11) You fail at Life
12) You are sado-masochistic
13) You want to witness how forced diversity actually leads to racist thinking

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